Wellness Benefits
Welcome to your 2025 Wellness Program
To encourage personal health and well-being as a priority, Argus Companies offers employees the opportunity to qualify for the following reductions in their medical premiums as a wellness discount. Argus Wellness Program is designed to encourage and reward employees for taking proactive steps to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Discount A: Physician Screening Form
Learn about your current health by visiting your primary care physician (PCP), or an in-network healthcare professional of your choice, to complete your annual preventive health exam. Visit the Wellness section of argus.millercares.com to download your Physician Screening Form.
• Email your completed physician screening form to wellness@millercares.com
Retain a copy of your completed Physician Screening Form for your records
• DEADLINE: November 30, 2025
Discount B: Nicotine Free
Employees have two options to qualify for the Nicotine Free discount on health insurance premiums for the upcoming plan year:
• By being a non-tobacco user (defined as abstaining from smoking and other tobacco/nicotine products for at least six months)
○ Visit the Wellness section of argus.millercares.com to download Non-Tobacco/Nicotine Use Affidavit. Return your completed affidavit to wellness@millercares.com
○ DEADLINE: November 30, 2025
• By completing a tobacco cessation program through KanQuit!, the Kansas Tobacco Quitline cessation program, at the company’s expense.
○ Please email wellness@millercares.com to learn more about this program
○ Upon completed of the program, complete the Non-Tobacco/Nicotine Use Affidavit found in the Wellness section of argus.millercares.com, and return your completed affidavit to wellness@millercares.com
○ DEADLINE: March 31, 2026 (tobacco-free premium discount to be applied retroactively to January 1, 2026 upon completion of program and return of affidavit)
Note: If you are unable to participate in the wellness program or achieve any of the health outcomes required to earn an incentive, you may be entitled to reasonable accommodation or an alternative standard. You may request a reasonable accommodation or an alternative standard by contacting Human Resources.
There are a number of Financial Wellness tools available to all employees and their family members through our Mutual of Omaha EAP (Employee Assistance Program), including financial and legal consultations and will creation. For more detailed information, visit: https://www.mutualofomaha.com/eap/
Mutual of Omaha also has a Financial Wellness program available (https://mutualofomaha.enrich.org/) which includes the following resources:
• Budget check up
• Money Personality quiz
• Monthly Challenge
• Budget Tool
• Budgeting Worksheet
• Daily Income and Expense Diary for download
Frequently Asked Questions